
  • Enhancement: Console has expanded download preview support for more filetypes, such as HTML/XML. Users can also now click “View Raw” to preview any unsupported filetypes. The following table is a list of all supported filetypes:

    Type Extensions Preview
    markdown .markdn, .markdown, .md, .mdown, .mdwn, .mkdn, .mkdown, .mkd (preview and view source)
    html .html, .htm (preview and view source)
    xml .xml, .xsl (preview and view source)
    code .yaml, .yml, .json, .jsonl, .py, .js, .jsx, .ts, .tsx, .cjs, .mjs, .c, .cpp, .java, .php, .rs, .sql, .go, .sh, .jl, .rb Dockerfile, .css (view source)
    text .text, .txt, .textpb (view source)
    csv .csv, .tsv, .tab (preview and view source)
    image .jpeg, .jpg, .jfif, .jif, .jpe, .pjpg, .png, .apng, .gif, .avif, .avifs, .webp, .bmp, .ico, .tiff (Safari only), .tif (Safari only) (preview)
    svg .svg, .svgz (preview and view source)
    video .mpg, .mpeg, .mpe, .m1v, .m2v, .mpa, .mp4, .mp4v, .mpg4, .avi, .wmv, .mov, .qt, .rm, .ra, .ram, .webm (preview based on your browser/OS)
    audio .mp3, .m2a, .m3a, .mp2, .mp2a, .mpga, .wav, .ogg, .oga, .spx (preview based on your browser/OS)
  • Enhancement: Timestamps in Console now use 0-23 hour notation.