Activate ES for Multi-Cluster

This guide deploys Enterprise Server as a standalone cluster within a multi-cluster deployment.

Before You Start

There are a few minor differences to note when deploying an Enterprise Server when compared to a standard Pachyderm cluster:

  • No deployment target is necessary in your Helm chart since there is no object store
  • The Enterprise Server cluster contains the dex database
  • Each registered cluster requires its own PostgresSQL pachyderm database

How to Activate Enterprise for Multi-Cluster

  1. Create a separate Kubernetes namespace dedicated to your enterprise server:
    kubectl create namespace enterprise-server
    kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=enterprise-server
  2. Create a Helm chart enterprise-server-values.yml file for your enterprise server (see Helm Chart Reference Guide).
  3. Deploy the Enterprise Server cluster:
    helm install enterprise-server pachyderm/pachyderm --f enterprise-server-values.yml
  4. Verify deployment:
    kubectl get all --namespace enterprise-server

Reference Diagram

The following diagram gives you a quick overview of an organization with multiple Pachyderm clusters behind a single Enterprise Server. Enterprise Server General Deployment