
  • Feature: The new Pachyderm SDK is now available. Check out the reference documentation, install guide, and example starter project.
  • Feature: Console now has a runtime visualization for jobs in your pipeline.
  • Feature: The documentation site now has a chatbot to help you find what you’re looking for. This feature is in beta, so please let us know if you have any feedback through our Slack community.
  • Feature: Pachyderm’s helm chart now has a section for preflight checks, allowing you to easily validate whether the upgrade/migrations will be successful. This section can be found at pachd.preflightchecks. Simply set enabled: true and set the image.tag to the new version you want to upgrade to. If created the pod named pachyderm-preflight-check shows a status of Completed, you are ready to perform the upgrade. See the Upgrade steps for more information.
  • Enhancement: Console’s scalability has been improved to handle more concurrent users (50+) and power users who have many pipelines.
  • Enhancement: Console’s DAG visualization has been upgraded to include more information about the state of your pipelines.
  • Enhancement: The Jupyterlab Pipeline Specification Extension now supports GPUs.
  • Refactor: The functionality of the Branch Cron Trigger has been refactored to work more intuitively. Previously, cron triggers functioned more like rate limiters; now, they enable you to set up a scheduled reoccurring event on a repo branch that evaluates and fires the trigger. When a Cron Trigger fires, but no new data has been added, there are no new downstream commits or jobs. See our Cron glossary entry for more information on crons in Pachyderm
  • Deprecation: The original Python SDK (python-pachyderm) will be deprecated in 9 months (May 2024). We recommend that you start trying out the new Pachyderm SDK (pachyderm-sdk) and begin planning your transition.