pachctl inspect file

pachctl inspect file

Return info about a file.


This command returns info about a file.While using this command, take special note of how you can use ancestry syntax (e.g., appending^2 or .-1 to repo@branch) to inspect the contents of a file from a previous commit. To specify the project where the repo is located, use the –project flag

pachctl inspect file <repo>@<branch-or-commit>:<path/in/pfs> [flags]


 pachctl inspect file repo@master:/logs/log.txt 
 pachctl inspect file repo@0001a0100b1c10d01111e001fg00h00i:/logs/log.txt 
 pachctl inspect file repo@master:/logs/log.txt^2 
 pachctl inspect file repo@master:/logs/log.txt.-1 
 pachctl inspect file repo@master:/logs/log.txt^2  --project foo 


  -h, --help             help for file
  -o, --output string    Output format when --raw is set: "json" or "yaml" (default "json")
      --project string   Specify the project (by name) where the file's repo is located. (default "video-to-frame-traces-test")
      --raw              Disable pretty printing; serialize data structures to an encoding such as json or yaml

Options inherited from parent commands

      --no-color               Turn off colors.
      --rpc-timeout duration   If non-zero, perform all client operations with this RPC deadline.
  -v, --verbose                Output verbose logs.