pachctl edit metadata

pachctl edit metadata

Edits an object’s metadata


Edits an object’s metadata.

Each metadata change is a sequence of 4 arguments, the object type, the object, the operation, and the edit to perform. A command-line may contain zero or more of these changes. One command-line is run as one transaction; either all of the changes succeed, or all of the changes fail.

The objects available are:

  • cluster: Adjust metadata on the cluster itself. The metadata is visible on an “InspectCluster” RPC, or “pachctl inspect cluster –raw”. The “object picker” is ignored, as there is only one cluster. By convention, “.” is used as the object picker.

  • project: Adjust metadata on a project. The metadata is visible on an “InspectProject” RPC, or “pachctl inspect project –raw”.

  • repo: Adjust metadata on a repo. The metadata is visible on an “InspectRepo” RPC, or “pachctl inspect repo –raw”.

  • branch: Adjust metadata on a branch. The metadata is visible on an “InspectBranch” RPC, or “pachctl inspect branch @ –raw”.

  • commit: Adjust metadata on a commit (not a commitset). The metadata is visible on an “InspectCommit” RPC, or “pachctl inspect commit @ –raw”.

Object pickers are used throughout Pachyderm. A summary:

  • cluster: Ignored, any string matches the current cluster.

  • project: The name of the project, for example, “default”.

  • repo: The project and name of the repo, like “default/images”. If the project is omitted, the current project is assumed. Special repo types may be selected, like “default/edges.meta” for the meta repo associated with the pipeline “edges”.

  • branch: A repo picker, with @ and a branch name, like “default/images@master”. If the project is omitted, the current project is assumed.

  • commit: Like a branch picker, but identifying a commit instead. For example, “default/images@master”, or “default/images@fc337b93997e4bc7b167222cb2482460”.

The operations available are:

  • add: Add a new key/value pair to the metadata. The operation fails if the key already exists. Add takes a single key/value pair, in key=value syntax.

  • edit: Change the value of a key. It’s OK if they key doesn’t already exist. Edit takes a single key/value pair, in key=value syntax.

  • delete: Remove a key/value pair. Delete takes the name of the key to delete.

  • replace: Replace the entire metadata structure with a new set of key/value pairs. Replace takes zero or more key/value pairs. This can be represented as JSON, like {“key1”:“value1”,“key2”:“value2”}, or as our custom format, “key1=value1;key2=value2”.

Key/value pair format:

A single key-value pair is represented as “key=value”. Key and value can be double-quoted or single-quoted. Standard escapes apply inside double-quoted strings. No escapes are allowed in single-quoted strings. For example, “two lines”=“one\ntwo”, ‘key with a '=value.

Multiple key-value pairs follow the same format and are separated with a semicolon. For example, “key1”=‘value1’;key2=value2;‘key3’=“value3”. You may also supply a normal JSON object. Keys must be strings, and values must be strings. No other JSON syntax is allowed.

pachctl edit metadata [<object type: cluster|project|repo|branch|commit> <object picker> <operation: add|edit|delete|replace> <data: key=value, key, '{"key":"value","key2":"value2"}'>]... [flags]


	 - pachctl edit metadata cluster . add environment=production 
	 - pachctl edit metadata project myproject edit 
	 - pachctl edit metadata commit images@master add \ 
				 commit edges@master add


  -h, --help   help for metadata

Options inherited from parent commands

      --no-color               Turn off colors.
      --rpc-timeout duration   If non-zero, perform all client operations with this RPC deadline.
  -v, --verbose                Output verbose logs.


  • pachctl edit - Edit the value of an existing Pachyderm resource.