Projects are logical collections of related work (such as repos and pipelines). Each Pachyderm cluster ships with an initial project named default. PachCTL supports all Project operations, such as adding/removing team members, resources, etc. Pachyderm Console can be used to view and access Projects. Pachyderm’s integrations with JupyterLab, Seldon, S3 Gateway, and DeterminedAI also support projects.

Benefits of Projects

  • Logical Organization of DAGs: Similar to a file system, you can organize your work within a Pachyderm instance.

  • Standardizable: Resources like repos can have the same name if they belong to different projects, making it easier to create and adhere to project templates in a collaborative environment. For example, ProjectA.Repo1 and ProjectB.Repo1.

  • Multi-team Enablement: With Enterprise Pachyderm, You can grant access to projects based on roles; projects are hidden from users without access by default.


In the following example there are two projects: DOGS and CATS. They have similarly named repositories and pipelines. With Enterprise Pachyderm, you could scope access to each project by user or user group.

graph TD
    A[(Project DOGS)] --> B[Picture Repo] 
    A[(Project DOGS)] --> C[Text Repo] 
    A[(Project DOGS)] --> D[Audio Repo] 
    B --> X(Cleanup Pipeline A)
    C --> Y(Cleanup Pipeline B)
    D --> Z(Cleanup Pipeline C)
    X -- from output repo --> 1(Grouping Pipeline)
    Y -- from output repo --> 1(Grouping Pipeline)
    Z -- from output repo --> 1(Grouping Pipeline)    
    J[(Project CATS)] --> M[Picture Repo] 
    J[(Project CATS)] --> N[Text Repo] 
    J[(Project CATS)] --> O[Audio Repo] 
    M --> P(Cleanup Pipeline A)
    N --> Q(Cleanup Pipeline B)
    O --> R(Cleanup Pipeline C)
    P -- from output repo --> 2(Grouping Pipeline)
    Q -- from output repo --> 2(Grouping Pipeline)
    R -- from output repo --> 2(Grouping Pipeline)   


  • You currently cannot move existing repos or pipelines between different projects.