Run Commands

pachctl kube-events

Learn about the pachctl kube-events command

pachctl kube-events #

Return the kubernetes events.

Synopsis #

This command returns the kubernetes events. To return results starting from a certain amount of time before now, use the --since flag To return the raw events, use the --raw flag

pachctl kube-events [flags]

Examples #

 pachctl kube-events --raw 
 pachctl kube-events --since 100s 
 pachctl kube-events --raw --since 1h 

Options #

  -h, --help           help for kube-events
      --raw            Specify results should return log messages verbatim from server.
      --since string   Specify results should return log messages more recent than "since". (default "0")

Options inherited from parent commands #

      --no-color   Turn off colors.
  -v, --verbose    Output verbose logs