This connector ingests the result of a BigQuery query into Pachyderm. With this connector, you can easily create pipelines that read data from BigQuery and process it using Pachyderm’s powerful data parallelism and versioning capabilities. It uses python and the python-bigquery-pandas library built by Google.

Before You Start

1. Create a Dataset & Service Account

Before using this connector, you will need to create a BigQuery dataset and a service account with the necessary permissions.

  1. Go to the BigQuery web UI and create a new dataset.
  2. In the GCP Console, go to the IAM & admin section and create a new service account.
  3. Grant the service account the BigQuery Data Viewer and BigQuery Data Editor roles for the dataset you created in step 1.
  4. Download the private key file for the service account, give it a descriptive name (e.g., gbq-pachyderm-creds.json), and save it to a secure location.

Once you have completed these steps, you can use the connector by simply specifying your service account key file and the name of your BigQuery query in the jsonnet pipeline spec for your pipeline.

2. Create a Pachyderm Secret

Create the secret (be sure to add the namespace if your cluster is deployed in one).

3. Create the Jsonnet Pipeline

Run the pipeline template with jsonnet. Note, this pipeline will not run immediately, but rather will wait until the next cron tick. E.g. if you have it set to 5m, you will wait 5 minutes until the first run of the pipeline.

$ pachctl update pipeline --jsonnet gbq_ingest.jsonnet \
--arg inputQuery="SELECT country_name, alpha_2_code FROM bigquery-public-data.utility_us.country_code_iso WHERE alpha_2_code LIKE 'A%'" \
--arg outFile="gbq_output.parquet" \
--arg project="<gcp_project_name>" \
--arg cronSpec="@every 5m"
--arg credsFile="gbq-pachyderm-creds.json"

Additional Details

Cron Spec

In some cases, you may not want your cron pipeline to run every 5 minutes as shown in the example above. For example, when testing a large ingestion, you may want to run the pipeline manually. To do this, you can use a cron specification that never triggers, such as --arg cronSpec="* * 31 2 *". This value will never trigger the cron pipeline (it refers to a nonexistent date - 31st of Feb).

To manually trigger the cron pipeline, run the following command:

pachctl run cron gbq_ingest 

For more information on using cron with Pachyderm pipelines, see the cron documentation.

Configuring your own pipeline spec

You can configure your own pipeline spec with the secret by using these parameters in the pipeline spec.

"secrets": [ {
    "name": "gbqsecret",
    "mount_path": "/kubesecret/"}]


    "env": {
        "GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS": "/kubesecret/gbq-pachyderm-creds.json"